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Maxillary Sinus Lift Operation: Procedures, Areas of Application, Recovery Process and Recommendations

Maxillary sinus lift surgery is a procedure used in implant surgery. This operation is performed to increase the bone volume in the posterior region of the upper jaw where implants will be placed. There are different techniques and areas of application. Here is detailed information about maxillary sinus lift surgery:

1. What is Maxillary Sinus Lift Surgery?

Maxillary sinus lift surgery is a surgical procedure performed to increase the bone volume in the posterior region of the upper jaw where implants will be placed. During this procedure, bone grafts are placed under the sinus cavity, thus providing sufficient bone volume for the implants.


2. How many types are there?

There are generally two main types of maxillary sinus lifting operations:

External approach: In this method, bone grafts are placed through a surgical procedure performed from an externally accessible area of ​​the sinus cavity.
Internal approach (vertical sinus lift): In this method, bone grafts are placed by opening a window from below the implant bed into the sinus cavity.
Both methods can be used as preparation for implant surgery, but may differ depending on the surgeon’s preference and the patient’s condition.

3. What is it for?

Maxillary sinus lift surgery is performed to lift the sinus floor before implant placement and increase the bone volume where the implant will be placed. This surgery is necessary when the upper back teeth are missing, the jaw bone height is insufficient, or the natural bone volume is insufficient.

2. How many types are there?

There are generally two main types of maxillary sinus lifting operations:

External approach: In this method, bone grafts are placed through a surgical procedure performed from an externally accessible area of ​​the sinus cavity.
Internal approach (vertical sinus lift): In this method, bone grafts are placed by opening a window from below the implant bed into the sinus cavity.
Both methods can be used as preparation for implant surgery, but may differ depending on the surgeon’s preference and the patient’s condition.

Maxillary sinus lift surgery is an effective method for increasing bone volume in implant surgery. The success rate is generally high, and with appropriate healing and aftercare, patients usually return to normal.

Bahçeşehir Dinamik Dental Clinic offers maxillary sinus surgery services performed by expert surgeons. Maxillary sinus surgery involves the extraction of tooth roots located under the sinus cavity or the removal of the sinus floor for implant applications. Our clinic offers our patients a comfortable and safe surgical experience by using modern surgical techniques and equipment. Optimal results are achieved by providing patient follow-up and support during the recovery process after maxillary sinus surgery. As Dinamik Dental Clinic, your health and satisfaction are our priority.

Dental Tumor Operations: Procedure, Success Rate, Recovery Process and Recommendations

Dental tumor operations are the surgical removal of tumors that form in the mouth or jaw bones. This procedure requires a process that varies depending on the type, size and degree of spread of the tumor. Here is detailed information about dental tumor operations:

1. What is Dental Tumor Surgery?

Dental tumor surgery is the surgical removal of tumors that form in the mouth or jaw bones. Tumors can usually be caused by various factors and although they are mostly benign, they can sometimes be malignant. Therefore, it is important to properly evaluate the tumor and determine the appropriate treatment plan.

2. What is it for?

Dental tumor surgery can be performed in the following cases:

  • The tumor is pressing on surrounding tissues, causing pain, swelling, or other symptoms.
  • The tumor has weakened or destroyed surrounding bone tissue.
  • If the tumor continues to grow and causes damage to other teeth or surrounding tissues.

3. Who can have this operation?

The operation for a tooth tumor is determined by the type, size and degree of spread of the tumor. Generally, patients who are diagnosed with a tooth tumor and require treatment may undergo this operation. However, it is important to conduct a detailed evaluation before the operation and determine the most appropriate treatment plan for the patient.

4. What is the Success Rate?

The success rate of dental tumor surgery varies depending on the type, size, and extent of spread of the tumor. In general, a properly performed surgery is successful and the tumor is less likely to grow back. However, malignant tumors can be more difficult to treat and have a lower success rate.

5. Procedure Duration and Things to Consider After Treatment

The duration of a dental tumor operation varies depending on the size of the tumor, its location, and the complexity of the surgical procedure. The procedure can usually take several hours, and patients are usually placed under general anesthesia. Things to consider after treatment include:

  • Pain and swelling are normal after the procedure. Painkillers and cold compresses recommended by the doctor can be used.
  • During the healing process, the instructions given by the dentist must be followed exactly.
  • To speed up the healing process, habits such as smoking should be avoided and oral hygiene should be taken care of.

6. The Healing Process

The recovery process after a dental tumor operation varies depending on the complexity of the operation and the patient’s general health. Pain, swelling and slight bleeding are normal during the recovery process. These usually decrease over time and full recovery is achieved.

Dental tumor surgery is an effective method for surgically removing tumors that form in the mouth or jaw bones. The success rate is generally high, and with appropriate healing and aftercare, patients often return to normal.

Bahçeşehir Dinamik Dental Clinic offers dental tumor operations performed by experienced and expert dentists. Modern diagnostic methods and treatment techniques are used in our clinic for early diagnosis and effective treatment of tumors. The health and comfort of our patients are always our priority; therefore, our operations are performed in sterile environments and with reliable equipment. A detailed evaluation is made before dental tumor operations and the treatment plan is customized according to the patient’s condition. After the operation, our patients are provided with the necessary care and follow-up process and a healthy recovery process is supported. As Dinamik Dental Clinic, we are committed to providing our patients with a safe, effective and humane treatment experience.

Dental Cyst Surgery: Procedure, Success Rate, Recovery Process and Recommendations

Dental cyst surgery is the surgical removal of cysts that form in the gums or jaw bones. This procedure requires a process that varies depending on the size and location of the cyst and the general health of the patient. Here is detailed information about dental cyst surgery:

1. What is Dental Cyst Surgery?

Dental cyst surgery is the surgical removal of cysts that form in the gums or jaw bones. Cysts usually occur when root canal treatment fails or when infection or trauma occurs around the tooth. These cysts can often cause pain, swelling, and other symptoms, and if left untreated, they can damage the tissues around the teeth.


2. What is it for?

Dental cyst surgery can be performed in the following cases:

  • If root canal treatment has failed and the cyst continues to grow.
  • The cyst is pressing on surrounding tissues, causing pain, swelling, or other symptoms.
  • If the cyst affects the placement of the teeth and prevents their normal development.
  • The cyst has weakened or destroyed surrounding bone tissue.

3. Who can have this operation?

Dental cyst surgery is determined by the size and location of the cyst and the general health of the patient. This surgery is usually recommended when cyst formation is detected in the gums or jaw bones and other treatment methods have failed.

4. What is the Success Rate?

The success rate of dental cyst surgery varies depending on the size and location of the cyst being treated and the effectiveness of the surgical procedure. However, a properly performed surgery is usually successful and the likelihood of the cyst growing back is reduced.

5. Procedure Duration and Things to Consider After Treatment

Dental cyst surgery can usually take between 1 and 2 hours. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and patients usually feel comfortable during the procedure. Things to consider after treatment are as follows:

  • Pain and swelling are normal after the procedure. Painkillers and cold compresses recommended by the doctor can be used.
  • During the healing process, the instructions given by the dentist must be followed exactly.
  • To speed up the healing process, habits such as smoking should be avoided and oral hygiene should be taken care of.

6. The Healing Process

The healing process after dental cyst surgery usually takes a few days to a week. Pain, swelling and slight bleeding are normal during the healing process. These usually decrease over time and full recovery is achieved.

Dental cyst surgery is an effective surgical option for treating cysts that form in the gums or jawbones. The success rate is generally high, and with appropriate healing and aftercare, patients usually return to normal.

Bahçeşehir Dinamik Dental Clinic offers dental cyst surgery services performed by experienced and expert dentists. Dental cysts are abnormal growths that occur in the jaw bones or soft tissues and can damage surrounding tissues if left untreated. Dental cyst surgeries performed in our clinic using modern medical techniques and equipment are meticulously performed considering the health and comfort of patients. Positive results are achieved by providing appropriate care and follow-up to our patients in the post-operative period. As Dinamik Dental Clinic, we are happy to offer you professional support for healthy oral and dental health.

Apical Resection: Dental Surgery Procedure and Recovery Process

Apical resection is the surgical removal of the tip of the tooth root. This procedure is performed when the tooth does not respond to root canal treatment or becomes re-infected. Apical resection may also be required in cases where the tooth is damaged due to caries or trauma. Here is detailed information about apical resection:

1. What is Apical Resection?

Apical resection is the surgical removal of the tip of the tooth root . This procedure is done to treat infection or inflammation in the root tip area of ​​the tooth. Infections in the root tip area may not be treated with root canal treatment or may be recurrent infections.

Apical Resection

2. Why is Apical Resection Performed?

Apical resection can be performed in the following cases:

  • If root canal treatment has failed and the infection at the root end of the tooth persists.
  • When the structure of the canals leading to the root of the tooth is complex and it is not possible to remove all the inflammation with root canal treatment.
  • When a cyst or tumor at the root end of the tooth needs to be removed.

3. What is the Success Rate of Apical Resection?

The success rate of apical resection is generally high. The success rate may vary depending on the location and condition of the tooth on which the procedure is performed and the severity of the infection. However, in most cases, apical resection is an effective method to restore the health of the tooth and treat the infection.

4. Procedure Duration and Things to Consider After Treatment

The apical resection procedure usually takes between 30 and 90 minutes, but the time may vary depending on the condition of the tooth being treated and the presence of complications. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and patients generally feel comfortable during the procedure.

Things to consider after treatment are:

  • Pain and swelling after the procedure are normal. Painkillers and cold compresses recommended by the doctor can be used.
  • During the healing process, the instructions given by the dentist must be followed exactly.
  • To speed up the healing process, habits such as smoking should be avoided and oral hygiene should be taken care of.

Apical resection is an effective surgical option for treating infections or other problems that cannot be treated with root canal therapy or that recur. The procedure is usually successful and most patients return to normal quickly with proper recovery and aftercare.

Bahçeşehir Dinamik Oral and Dental Clinic provides effective treatment of root tip infections with professional Apical Resection service offered by expert dentists. Apical Resection is the surgical removal of infected tissue or lesion at the root tip. This procedure, which is performed in our clinic using modern equipment and up-to-date surgical techniques, is performed meticulously, taking into consideration the comfort and health of the patients. With customized treatment plans for each patient, root tip infections are effectively treated and dental health is maintained. At Dynamic Dental Clinic, optimal results are achieved by providing our patients with all the necessary support and care during the recovery process after the Apical Resection procedure.

Impacted Tooth Extraction: Procedure, Types, Healing Process and Recommendations

Impacted teeth are teeth that are stuck under the gum or tooth and do not emerge into the mouth naturally. Impacted teeth may need to be extracted, often due to pain, infection or other dental problems. Impacted tooth extraction is the process of removing the tooth from the gum and surrounding tissues. Here is detailed information about impacted tooth extraction:

1. What is Impacted Tooth Extraction?

Impacted teeth are teeth that are usually stuck in the jawbone or behind other teeth . This may cause the tooth to not erupt normally. Impacted teeth may need to be removed because retained teeth can cause problems such as pain, infection, pressure on other teeth, or damage to surrounding tissues.


2. Types of Impacted Teeth

Impacted teeth can be in different positions and situations. The most common types of impacted teeth are:

a. Horizontally Impacted Teeth: These are impacted teeth that are placed horizontally on other teeth. In this case, the tooth trying to come out may put pressure on other teeth and cause pain.

b. Vertically Impacted Teeth: These are teeth that are in line with other teeth in the jawbone but remain under the gums. In this case, the tooth’s attempt to come out may cause pain and swelling in the gum.

c. Cross Impacted Teeth: These are impacted teeth that are located diagonally to other teeth. In this case, the tooth’s attempt to come out may affect the position of other teeth and cause congestion in the mouth.

3. How is Impacted Tooth Extraction Done?

Impacted tooth extraction usually involves these steps:

a. Taking an X-ray Image: First, the dentist takes an X-ray image to determine the location of the impacted tooth.

b. Application of Anesthesia: Tooth extraction is performed under local anesthesia. This makes the extraction area numb and no pain is felt.

c. Tooth Removal: The dentist gently separates the tissues surrounding the impacted tooth and uses special tools to remove the tooth. In some cases, tissue within the jawbone may need to be removed.

d. Application of Stitches: After the extraction area is cleaned, the dentist applies stitches. This helps the wound heal.

4. What Should Be Considered After Shooting?

After impacted tooth extraction, it is important for patients to pay attention to the following issues:

a. Pain and Swelling: Pain and swelling after extraction are normal. Painkillers and cold compresses can be used.

b. Wound Care: Wound care should be done as recommended by the dentist and stitches should be checked regularly.

c. Food and Beverage Selection: Hot, hard and irritating foods should be avoided for the first few days.

d. Oral Hygiene: The extraction area should be cleaned and oral hygiene should be ensured as recommended by the doctor.

5. Healing Process

The healing process after impacted tooth extraction usually takes between a few days and a week. Pain, swelling and light bleeding are normal during the healing process. These usually subside over time and full recovery is achieved.

Impacted tooth extraction is an important dental procedure that may be required for a variety of reasons. When done correctly and the recovery process is managed appropriately, patients often experience a quick and uneventful recovery. However, it is important to follow certain recommendations that must be followed carefully after shooting.

At Bahçeşehir Dinamik Dental Clinic, impacted tooth extraction service is offered by expert dentists with modern and safe techniques. Extraction of impacted teeth is performed to prevent pain, inflammation and negative effects on the jaw structure. This procedure, which is performed under local or general anesthesia in our clinic, is performed meticulously, taking into account patient comfort and health. While providing the necessary support and care to our patients during the recovery process, optimal results are achieved in line with the recommendations of our dentists.

Tooth Extraction: Procedure, Recommendations and Recovery Process

Tooth extraction is a dental procedure that is usually performed when the tooth cannot be removed in a healthy way or needs to be extracted for other reasons. During this procedure , the dentist removes the tooth from the gum and surrounding tissues. Tooth extraction is usually performed under local anesthesia and in most cases is a fairly quick and simple procedure. However, in some cases it can be more complex and require a special approach.

Tooth Extraction

1. How is Tooth Extraction Done?

The tooth extraction process includes the following steps:

a. Application of Anesthesia:

First, the dentist applies local anesthesia. This ensures numbness of the extraction area and no pain is felt during the procedure.

b. Tooth Removal:

The dentist gently separates the tissues around the tooth to be extracted and uses special tools to remove the tooth. In some cases, the tooth is first tried to be removed by shaking it.

c. Cleaning the Wound Site and Applying Gauze:

After the tooth is removed, the extraction area is cleaned with a gauze and pressure is applied to stop the bleeding.

2. What Should Be Considered?

Some important points to consider after tooth extraction are:

a. Pain and Swelling:

Pain and slight swelling after extraction are normal. These symptoms usually subside within a few days. Painkillers and cold compresses recommended by the doctor can be used to reduce swelling and pain.

b. Food and Beverage Selection:

Hot, hard and irritating foods should be avoided for the first few days. These can cause discomfort and infection in the extraction area.

c. Oral Hygiene:

After tooth extraction, oral hygiene should be performed as recommended by the doctor to clean the extraction area. Touching the extraction area should be avoided while brushing and gargling.

3. Shooting Time

Tooth extraction time varies depending on several factors. These include the position, size and condition of the tooth. Extraction of a single tooth usually takes between 20 and 40 minutes.

4. Healing Process

The healing process after tooth extraction may vary from person to person. But it usually takes a few days to a week. Swelling, light bleeding and pain are normal during the healing process. These usually subside over time and full recovery is achieved.

Tooth extraction is an important procedure related to dental health and it is important that it is done correctly and the healing process is managed properly. Therefore, it is important to strictly follow the dentist’s instructions before and after the tooth extraction procedure. Otherwise, complications may arise and the healing process may be prolonged.

Bahçeşehir Dynamic Dental Clinic offers tooth extraction services performed reliably and professionally by expert dentists. In our clinic, all your tooth extraction needs are met; We offer a wide range of services, from decayed teeth to impacted teeth. Current technologies and procedures performed in sterile environments are prioritized for the comfort and safety of our patients. During the recovery process after tooth extraction, detailed follow-up and support is provided to ensure patient satisfaction. At Dynamic Dental Clinic, it is our priority to provide a healthy and effective tooth extraction experience for you.

We are at your service with our expert physicians at our Bahçeşehir Dynamic Dental clinic for all your problems related to oral and dental health. You can contact us via our contact page or make an appointment via phone or WhatsApp. If you wish, you can get information, ask for prices and submit your questions, opinions and suggestions about the services.

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